Monday, September 6, 2010

Singlelista Style: Fall in Love with This Season's Fashion Trends

Ladies, it's time for another shot of Singlelista Style, and today's topic is FALL FASHION!

We'll forewarn you, by the time you reach the end of this post, you'll be dying to don these latest trends. 

Read at your own risk, but with no further delay, our fab fashion stylist Mia Tucker is here with the wardrobe essentials you'll need to look hot while the temperatures are cooling down this fall:

The Black Wedge Boot


Wedge Boots are all the rage this season!
I recommend purchasing a basic black pair that will carry you through the fall and winter seasons.
Platform wedges are a great way to add height and a little sexiness without trying too hard. Besides, you can wear them with jeans, leggings, skirts and dresses - basically everything!
These will give you major bang for your buck!

Fingerless gloves are a must for the edgy, cool, singlelista!
Go biker chic with a leather pair that is sure to look super cool with a leather jacket, or try a chunky knit version to compliment your everyday look!


Plaid prints are making a comeback this season and there's no better way to add a touch of “grunge glamour” to your wardrobe than by throwing on a colorful plaid scarf!
Sporting a bright scarf can liven up the traditional dark colors in your fall wardrobe but most of all, its functional AND fabulous!

What’s not to love about this adorable, fuzzy, little cross-body handbag by Marc by Marc Jacobs?

A touch of fur can go a long way and is the ideal accessory to transform your look from fashionable to luxurious (without attracting the attention of PETA of course)!


So there it is singlelistas, this fall's must have fashion trends!

 As always a special we give a heart felt thank you to NYC stylist Mia Tucker, who keeps us cat-walk ready all year long!  If you want more Mia, and we know you do, visit her online at!

Got pics of you and your girls in fab fall fashions?
Send them to us, and we'll post them here on our site. Why? Because sharing is caring singlelistas!
Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Single Women Make More Money

Dear World:

WE TOLD YOU that being single has its benefits, and this USA Today article just proved it.

According to a  study released this week by New York based research firm Reach Advisors, unmarried women between the ages of 22 and 30, who do not have children, earn a median $27,000 a year, 8% more than comparable men in the top 366 metropolitan areas.

In 39 of the 50 cities studied, childless singlelistas out earned their male counterparts and matched the mens' salaries in another 8 cities.

To what can our breadwinner statuses be attributed? 

We're smarter!

Yep! According to the survey, "Nearly three-quarters of girls who graduate from high school head to college, vs. two-thirds of the boys." It continues, "Women are now 1.5 times more likely than men to graduate from college or earn advanced degrees."

"Armed with degrees, young women command higher salaries."


So the next time you're on a date and your suitor asks whether or not you can cook, flip the question  and ask whether or not he can cook.  Statistically speaking, there's a good chance you'll be too busy earning the bacon to fry it!

This I'm a Woman! anthem is dedicated to all you bread-winning, singlelistas out there!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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A Single Splurge: You GUILTY Girl, You!

OMG!  What a week it's been!

You had to get up, go to work, deal with crazy people all day long, come home and watch the horror that they report on the evening news, go to bed and sleep for not nearly long enough, and then to top it all off, you had to wake up repeatedly and do it all over again!

Oh my darling super women, how ever do you manage??

How in the world does society expect us to maintain our fab while living under such harsh conditions?

I mean, let's be honest.  If you're like most of the world, you don't subject yourself to all of that occupational torture because you feel like it.  You do it because you have bills to pay, and if you spend like I spend, then you've got BIG bills to pay. 

Going to work affords you the luxury of earning an income that you can then have the privilege of handing over to someone else.

Working women of the world, how did we become so lucky?!?

Now before you order yet another make-it-all-disappear-margarita, I want you to know that I have great news for you!

The Singles' Salon hereby declares that you have the right to take some of your hard earned income and spend it on....

Wait for it....


Today, we want you to spoil yourself by purchasing something a little out of the ordinary (and in some cases, a little outside of your budget!). 

We've searched high and low to find the perfect splurge for you, and I think you'll be quite thrilled with what we've come up with.

Now as many of you know, the fashion bible that is the annual Vogue September issue weighs no less than the phone book of a major metropolitan city.  This year the fashion gods gave us 726 pages of singlelista style inspiration, which while uber-exciting, can also be a bit daunting for the modern woman.  

Between working, volunteering, pet mommying, child raising, love life maintaining, girlfriends gossiping, and all other fab -ings that occupy our lives, when do we have time to sit down and absorb 726 pages of unbridled fierceness?

Well after three weeks of incremental Vogue page turning, I am proud to announce that I've successfully matriculated from the first cover to the back cover,  and am now all the more fashionably astute!  It was quite the experience, I must admit, but the most exciting part came somewhere around page 397.

As I was making my way through the optical indulgence upon which my eyes were feasting, I began to sense a subtle treat for my olfactory system as well.

Hmm...what could that deliciousness possibly be?!?

I turned the page. 

The scent grew stronger, more inviting.

I sniffed.

It was intoxicating, truly. 

I HAD to know its origin.

I sniffed.

I turned the page and like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, there it was, summoning me.

This fragrance, so provocative, so alluring, so tempting, was none other than...


"The New Fragrance For Her" 

the ad read.

I knew instantly that what they meant to write was

"The New Fragrance For Me."

Being the tech savvy singlelista that I am, I diverted my attention immediately (albeit briefly) from my Vogue to my laptop and got my Google on.

I discovered that GUILTY is the new fall fragrance by Gucci, which launched at the top of this month (thanks September!) and is comprised of notes of mandarin, pink pepper, peach, lilac, geranium, amber and patchouli.


Now, we've discussed the pleasantries of pink pepper before, but never quite like this.

The website also stated that Guilty was "designed for the glamorous, daring, brave, and very sexy girls who like to party and enjoy themselves."

Sounds like it was made for singlelistas to me!

Then I saw this hard core trailer for the new fragrance and I thought, "Absolutely Yes!"

Scene from GUCCI GUILTY trailer.  Looks like this scent's for all the bad ass girls!

Now, I'll have to be honest with you, I considered not sharing the news of my new sinful pleasure because...well, I just wasn't that thrilled about having all you divas strutting around smelling like me.  But after purchasing my own bottle and basking in all its delectable fabness, I realized that this really was too amazing not to share.

Ohh...the sacrifices I make for you loves! Sigh...

At $75 for the 1.7 oz and $95 for the 2.5 oz, it may be a bit of a splurge, but you're absolutely worth it!

So singlelistas, for all that you do for everybody else, I demand that today you do something for yourself that will leave you with not one single regret.

Get Guilty. Today!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Single Celebs We Love: Mashonda

Yep, singlelistas! You read that right.

Mashonda is this week's Single Celeb We Love. 

Right about now I imagine that some of you are thinking WTH?! as in What the hell?!? while others of you are likely thinking WTH?! as in Who the hell?!

Well, keep on reading sistas!

When super singer Alicia Keys said "I Do" to super producer Swizz Beatz, the entertainment media couldn't wait to exalt their union of love and happiness. 

Somewhere in the quiet however, Mashonda was saying "I Don't" believe that this is happening!

For those of you who do not know, Mashonda was Swizz Beatz's wife when he and the then Ms. Keys became friends, lovers, expecting parents, and finally fiancees. 

Aww... Happier days. I bet she'd like to get her hands that close to his neck again now!

We've heard several sides of the story, some that claim that Swizz and Mashonda had been separated before he and Alicia became playmates, others that claim that Mashonda thought she was happily married until she begin finding "evidence" that suggested otherwise.

We don't know which side of the story is true, so we'll reserve judgement, at least publicly, for now.  We do know that there are hundreds of thousands of now singlelistas, who were once in an (un)perfect union until the "other" woman came prancing along.

Our commentary is reserved since we don't have all the facts, so we'll let you caption this one.

So today, in honor of all of those who have had their loves stolen from underneath them but still found the strength, the grace, and the dignity to get back up, we at the Salon dedicate this week's Single Celebs We Love post to you!

Mashonda joins our elite rank of fab singlelistas for the sheer fact that no houses were burned nor ex-husbands harmed during the course of this heart wrenching debacle.

Rather than acting out the lyrics to Carrie Underwoods' smash song (pun intended) "Before He Cheats," Mashonda carried herself like a lady and maintained her self respect all along. 

Barring the ocassional, tell all interviews (which hardly registers on our pay-back-ometer), Mashonda never acted out in any way that could be potentially damaging to her or her children in the long run. 

*cue applause*

Even after the new pair announced their engagement and pregnancy only days after his divorced was finalized with Mashonda, no car windows were smashed and no clothing was set on fire. 

 And in the biggest "can't we all just get along" move of the decade, Mashonda actually met with Alicia to discuss how the two families can co-exist so that the children can all know one another.

Part 1 of the Swizz family.  These two darlings will be meeting their new little sibling very soon. (Ok, the kids are not this little anymore either. But this pic is just so adorable, I couldn't resist!)

*pull curtain. standing ovation*

We have to say that we're very proud of Mashonda for handling this so well.  (I don't even know if I'd be that well-adjusted that quickly!)

The R&B crooner is reportedly looking onward and upwards, and is said to already be seeing a new beau.  Excuse the flawed grammar, but we ain't mad Mashonda!

We also think that now might be a good time to get her back in the studio.  I'm sure there are some amazing singlelista anthems in her just dying to come out!

Here's to the all the women out there who exhibit grace under fire. 

Remember ladies, "it's not what what happens to you, but how you respond to it that matters." -Epictetus

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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