Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Every Single Penny: Post Holiday Savings

Sooo... about those 12 days of Christmas...yeah... That  didn't really happen the way I envisioned it. 


I had some unexpected holiday travel, which I honestly can't even pretend to be mad about!

Just look at it as another perk of  living the single life. You can go on last minute vacays without having to explain it to anyone, or apologize when you get back. 

OK... I'm pushing it.. I know!

Anyway, I hope your holidays were fab nonetheless. 
In the spirit of bye gones being bye gones, let's turn our attention away from Christmas past and towards the new year that awaits us!

2011 is going to be HUGE for you, for me, and for The Singles' Salon as a whole. We can feel it and we hope you're ready for it! We'll clue you in on some of the major changes coming in the year ahead as the time draws nearer, but for now we have some news that I'm sure that every one of you can use!

Our financial expert Cristina Briboneria of oXYGen Financial is here with some tips to get you out of the red from this year's holiday shopping frenzy. 

Grab your notebooks and your calculators ladies, we're heading into the new year financially fab!

Every Single Penny: After Holiday Savings Tips

Here are a few ways to save money during those after-Christmas sales leading into the New Year.

1. Consider doing your Christmas shopping for 2011 now.
I know you’ve seen the commercials – virtually every retailer is having a sale. I’ve found that most items are 30% to 50% off of their original price. If you spent, on average, $2,000 each year during the holiday season this strategy could save you up to $1,000. This includes gifts, greeting cards, wrapping paper, Christmas lights, etc.

2. If you’re thinking of getting a gym membership – don’t procrastinate, join this week.
After all, singlelistas need to stay in shape somehow, right?!

I’ve joined a few gyms in my day and have found that most will waive the initial set-up fees and offer major discounts on your monthly membership fee during this time of the year. Deal or no deal - make sure you read the fine print and are aware of any contracts or early termination fees. Another thing to consider when buying a gym membership is location, location, location. In order to take full advantage of your membership, be sure to find a gym that is near your job, home or a place you frequent often.

3. Lastly, go on vacation after the New Year.
As a jet-setting singlelista, you know that fab U.S. hot spots like Las Vegas, New York, and Miami typically have an increase in airfare and hotel rates around New Year’s Eve. If you can wait until the weekend after New Year’s you will see a 25-50% decrease in rates, not to mention more options.

Not in the mood for a delayed celebration this year? Consider booking early for your 2012 travel at websites such as www.farecast.com or www.lastminutetravel.com for some great deals.

Just another breathe easier® tip from Cristina Briboneria at oXYGen Financial, Inc.

OMG! How great was that?!?


Want more information on how YOU can be more financially fabulous next year? Put getting your finances in order at the top of your 2011 resolutions and call Cristina today at 678-551-7955 for a complimentary consultation!

oXYGen Financial, Inc. Private CFO Cristina Briboneria is one of the foremost knowledgeable professionals in giving financial advice to the X and Y Generation.


Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

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