Friday, August 27, 2010

Hi Betty!

Ok singlelistas! The count down has begun. 

We're only 2 more days away from all new Singles' Salon fabness!

We totally miss you and can't wait to get back to you with all the amazing new content we've been dreaming up.  Beach air and mai tais do the creative juices good, and you, our FAB singlelistas will reap all of the benefit.

In the meantime, check out THIS article that yours truly wrote for one of our fave women's sites, Betty Confidential

If you've never perused their site, strut on over there now for the juciest in entertainment, relationships, and women's lifestyle news. 

Enjoy your new (second) favorite blog, and meet us back here Monday for all the single fabness you deserve!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

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