Monday, August 9, 2010

A Single Piece of Mail

We LOVE getting mail here at the Salon, and this particular reader's letter made our hearts skip two beats!

Below, this fab darling details for us how she went from being stood up to having a stand out night, and she even offers us deets on new chick lit that sounds like a must-read for singlelistas everywhere! 

Grab your morning latte and have a peek at this letter. Get your week started with a little singlelista spirit...and pass it on!

Dear SS:
I haven’t been on a date in a minute and while I don’t really mind given my hectic schedule and recent lackluster encounters, I was in the mood to get dolled up and head out for a night on the town with a cute strings, pretense or drama attached.

I’m a proud Singlelista but I’m woman enough to admit that I sometimes need the companionship of the opposite sex – the type of up close and personal attention you get when you’re on a semi-date with a cool guy you know who shares your interests but not your bed.

You may or may not have dated but still keep in touch and hang out from time to time when you’re not seeing someone else. He probably still likes you so he’ll gladly play boyfriend-girlfriend for the night so you can get your man-fix (don’t judge me…you know you’ve done it before).

Coincidentally, my friend (and former flame) "Kevin" called and suggested we get together for dinner and a movie this weekend. Kevin is one of the most honest, hard -working people I know so I wasn’t shocked or even pissed when he got caught up at the office and postponed our plans.

Since I clearly wasn’t going to have a fabulous Singlelistas Night Out, I was determined to enjoy a phenomenal Singlelistas Night In. That’s right….One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show [a reference to your previous post---my personal fave]!

I changed into my favorite PJs, poured myself a glass of Moscato and dived right into a new book at the top of my reading list, “On Being a Bachelor: Thoughts on Dating, Mating and Relating,” by one very fabulous Singlelista at heart, Blane Bachelor (yes, Bachelor is her real last name).

I love to read but only a handful of relationship books have ever held my attention like this one.

Seriously, the book had me alternately sighing and laughing hysterically the ENTIRE NIGHT!!!!! Ms. Bachelor managed to strike the perfect balance between providing side-splitting, dead-on observations about the dating scene and offering words of wisdom and encouragement. It’s hard to pick my favorite one-liner or scenario but here’s a sampling of some memorable excerpts.

On deciphering the language of love:

“You’re going to make someone so happy one day.”

Translation: That someone will never be me.

The embarrassment of a lingering hickey:

“Of course, a hickey doesn’t look especially classy, but it’s not like you have pubic hair stuck in your teeth.”

On Valentine’s Day:

“When Valentine’s Day rolls around, I almost feel sorry for the guys, agonizing over how much to spend, where to make reservations and whether buying that red lace teddy will get them slapped or laid.”

On First Loves:

“…who can forget the first person they fell hard for – and who fell for them in return? Even if it ended, as it often does, in searing heartbreak, all the stuff up to the eventual break can make an indelible mark on our soul and our psyche.”

On finding out her ex-boyfriend was gay:

“My ex dropped the announcement into an email without much elaboration, and [my friend] S. broke the news to me as gently as possible. My first thought, however, was anything but gentle: Was he taking it up the ass while we were together?”

And my personal fave-

A Resolution to Live By:

“I will excuse myself from the pity party. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Being single is the equivalent to the ultimate American right: freedom! We can do what we want, with whom we want, without a soul to answer to but ourselves.

As a self-proclaimed singlelista, I couldn’t have agreed more. Thanks to Blane's book, and all the tips I've gotten from the Singles' Salon, I had a perfectly memorable date night-- with me!

-Ms. E

Thanks so much E. for your letter! We'll treasure it forever.

In the meantime, we're on a personal mission to get our hands on Blane Bachelor's book.  Stay tuned, because if it's anything as fab as what our reader has described above, we'll def be talking about it again soon.   We've tracked down the web site for the book and if you'd like to get a copy for your own Singlelistas Night In, you can find "On Being a Bachelor,” at

Got more singlelista suggestions or a fab story of your own you'd like to share? Email us at  Remember, sharing is caring, ladies!

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