Monday, August 30, 2010

Movin' On Mondays: Lessons from the Woods

Ladies! Ladies! Ladies!

We're baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!! 

Did you miss us?

We totally missed you!

And speaking of back, I know you know by now, that Elin Nordegren officially got the green light to run and never look back on her embarrassingly unfaithful ex-husband, Tiger Woods.

I have to admit, that it really hurt my heart to watch that whole horror unfold.  I mean, even with a divorce settlement that could re-stimulate half of the American economy by itself, I never feel good about seeing a family fall apart, particularly in such a highly publicized, how-is-it-even-possible-to-have-that-many-mistresses kind of way.

Now with the period finally imprinted at the end of that great  tragedy, here are a few lessons I think we singlelistas can learn from the Woods:

1. Never trust a man named after an animal.

So, here's the thing, tigers are predatory.  They live in the jungle and they are hunters by nature.  Mr. Woods told her exactly who he was from the moment he said, "Hi. My name is_____."  We've all been taught not to judge a book by its cover, but you should absolutely judge a man by his name.  In a broader, and slightly more serious sense, we as women have to learn to stop looking past the warning signs of potential dating disasters. 

So often, the men who wind up causing the most drama in our lives come with some sort of warning label that we choose to ignore.  Perhaps it's not always as obvious as an I.D. card that reads "Killer" but the signs are usually there. 

Our hearts cannot afford for our eyes to close themselves to the tell-tell signs that he might not be the one.  Take in ALL the information, signals, and cues your suitor is giving you, before you leap into "I Do."   This holds especially true should you ever come across a man who introduces himself as Lion, Bear, Hawk, Pit Bull, Snake, Shark, or Killer Whale.

2. It's perfectly OK to kick his a#@.

Jaws dropped, we all watched the news story that reported Elin had all but clubbed Tiger to death. The story I kept waiting for, but never saw, was the one where she had been charged with domestic abuse, assault and battery, or attempted murder.  Nope, it never happened.  So ladies, what you now have is legal precedent that an occasional a#@ kicking is nonpunishable by the law, when so obviously deserved.

Now, here at The Singles' Salon, we don't condone or encourage domestic abuse of any form and have no interest in watching any of our beloved singlelistas on an upcoming episode of Snapped. That said, we do condone, admonish, and encourage all women to kick a cheating flame's unfaithful the curb!  Love should make you smile way more than it makes you cry, and it should never, ever humiliate you. 

You're a fab, fly, superwoman, and when you find that you can do bad all by yourself, then by all means, be by yourself.  Besides, we'll always love you!

3. Being single has its benefits.

In Elin's case, said benefits amounted to a staggering settlement of 750 million dollars!

Right! It doesn't matter how many times you read, hear, or say that, it never loses it shock factor!

It pays to do the right thing, and that's exactly what Elin did.  I know that there are those who truly believe in "til death do us part," but I don't think that applies when your sweetie's reckless actions are going to lead to your untimely death.  That doesn't just go for sex crazed men.  It also applies to those who hit women, or even those who just too often make us cry.  Your physical, mental, and emotional health are paramount.  Don't ever put that on the line for anyone. 

It may seem difficult to walk away from a toxic relationship, but living in your own self-imposed misery for a lifetime will be far worse. Love you.  Live for you.  And don't waste your time with anyone else that can't love and live for you too.

Even if you don't get a $750 million payout, you'll absolutely gain your peace of mind-- and that, my loves, is priceless!

Til tomorrow singlelistas! We love and missed you so!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Hi Betty!

Ok singlelistas! The count down has begun. 

We're only 2 more days away from all new Singles' Salon fabness!

We totally miss you and can't wait to get back to you with all the amazing new content we've been dreaming up.  Beach air and mai tais do the creative juices good, and you, our FAB singlelistas will reap all of the benefit.

In the meantime, check out THIS article that yours truly wrote for one of our fave women's sites, Betty Confidential

If you've never perused their site, strut on over there now for the juciest in entertainment, relationships, and women's lifestyle news. 

Enjoy your new (second) favorite blog, and meet us back here Monday for all the single fabness you deserve!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where in the World is The Singles' Salon??

Greetings from Hawaii!

Well, maybe not Hawaii, but vacation all the same!

We at The Salon are on currently on vacay, but we'll be right back next Monday with our regularly scheduled single shots of fabness!

In the meantime, enjoy this beach inspired recipe with some of your girlfriends while we're gone, and we'll be relaxing beachside dreaming up lots of great new content to help you Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

A Day At The Beach
(yields 2 servings)

2 oz coconut rum

1 oz amaretto almond liqueur

8 oz orange juice

1 oz grenadine syrup
Shake rum, amaretto, and orange juice in a shaker filled with ice. Strain into a highball glass over ice. Add grenadine and garnish with a pineapple wedge and a strawberry.    -source

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Single Celebs We Love: Jeannie Mai

Hey Singlelistas, "How Do I Look?"

No, I'm not really asking you, because well, how would you know?!?  Instead I'm giving you a hint about the lucky girl that's fab enough to be named this week's Single Celeb We Love.

Wanna try again? Okay, here goes...

"How Do I Look?"

You got it yet?

If you guessed the ultra-hip host of the Style Network's "How Do I Look?" then you're 10000000% correct!

Jeannie Mai is her name and style is her game (and we must admit, she plays it VERY well!)

We don't know a whole lot about this TV newcomer, but we definitely believe she's one to watch!

The Vietnamese-Chinese-American fashionista actually began her career as a make-up artist with MAC cosmetics and has managed to successfully move from behind the camera, to front and center as a successful TV personality herself.

Her sass, wit, and impeccable sense of style keeps us glued to our sets every Saturday night at 8PM EST.

We also love that through her show, Jeannie has the opportunity to transform women's looks and lives on a weekly basis, and she does it masterfully, if we may say so ourselves.

Ms. Mai's TV career has brought her into our homes via the Today show, TLC's Miss America: Reality Check, MTV's Granted, and as a host on several special features on the E!, USA, and Lifetime networks.

We weren't able to dig up a lot of dirt on the starlet's love life, but we did find an older interview where she admitted to being "single, but not available."  Does that mean there's a boyfriend lurking around somewhere? Hey Ms. Mai, inquiring minds want to know!

Well whatever the case, her style, charm, and wit, coupled with her Midas touch for turning potential-rich caterpillars, into bombshell butterflies has absolutely earned her a spot among our highly-coveted list of Single Celebs We Love!

From fashionista to singlelista, now THAT's an upgrade!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

(Editorial Note: We've noticed a bit of bling on her ring finger in some of her photos, but have not yet been able to confirm that it's a wedding band.  We're on the case and will certainly bring you updates as we find out. In the meantime, we're sticking with our designation because as you know, you're single until you jump the broom, and as far as we know now, she qualifies. Plus, we just really think she's fab, so we're claiming her until we find out otherwise.  Stay tuned, there will def be more to come!)
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Monday, August 9, 2010

A Single Piece of Mail

We LOVE getting mail here at the Salon, and this particular reader's letter made our hearts skip two beats!

Below, this fab darling details for us how she went from being stood up to having a stand out night, and she even offers us deets on new chick lit that sounds like a must-read for singlelistas everywhere! 

Grab your morning latte and have a peek at this letter. Get your week started with a little singlelista spirit...and pass it on!

Dear SS:
I haven’t been on a date in a minute and while I don’t really mind given my hectic schedule and recent lackluster encounters, I was in the mood to get dolled up and head out for a night on the town with a cute strings, pretense or drama attached.

I’m a proud Singlelista but I’m woman enough to admit that I sometimes need the companionship of the opposite sex – the type of up close and personal attention you get when you’re on a semi-date with a cool guy you know who shares your interests but not your bed.

You may or may not have dated but still keep in touch and hang out from time to time when you’re not seeing someone else. He probably still likes you so he’ll gladly play boyfriend-girlfriend for the night so you can get your man-fix (don’t judge me…you know you’ve done it before).

Coincidentally, my friend (and former flame) "Kevin" called and suggested we get together for dinner and a movie this weekend. Kevin is one of the most honest, hard -working people I know so I wasn’t shocked or even pissed when he got caught up at the office and postponed our plans.

Since I clearly wasn’t going to have a fabulous Singlelistas Night Out, I was determined to enjoy a phenomenal Singlelistas Night In. That’s right….One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show [a reference to your previous post---my personal fave]!

I changed into my favorite PJs, poured myself a glass of Moscato and dived right into a new book at the top of my reading list, “On Being a Bachelor: Thoughts on Dating, Mating and Relating,” by one very fabulous Singlelista at heart, Blane Bachelor (yes, Bachelor is her real last name).

I love to read but only a handful of relationship books have ever held my attention like this one.

Seriously, the book had me alternately sighing and laughing hysterically the ENTIRE NIGHT!!!!! Ms. Bachelor managed to strike the perfect balance between providing side-splitting, dead-on observations about the dating scene and offering words of wisdom and encouragement. It’s hard to pick my favorite one-liner or scenario but here’s a sampling of some memorable excerpts.

On deciphering the language of love:

“You’re going to make someone so happy one day.”

Translation: That someone will never be me.

The embarrassment of a lingering hickey:

“Of course, a hickey doesn’t look especially classy, but it’s not like you have pubic hair stuck in your teeth.”

On Valentine’s Day:

“When Valentine’s Day rolls around, I almost feel sorry for the guys, agonizing over how much to spend, where to make reservations and whether buying that red lace teddy will get them slapped or laid.”

On First Loves:

“…who can forget the first person they fell hard for – and who fell for them in return? Even if it ended, as it often does, in searing heartbreak, all the stuff up to the eventual break can make an indelible mark on our soul and our psyche.”

On finding out her ex-boyfriend was gay:

“My ex dropped the announcement into an email without much elaboration, and [my friend] S. broke the news to me as gently as possible. My first thought, however, was anything but gentle: Was he taking it up the ass while we were together?”

And my personal fave-

A Resolution to Live By:

“I will excuse myself from the pity party. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Being single is the equivalent to the ultimate American right: freedom! We can do what we want, with whom we want, without a soul to answer to but ourselves.

As a self-proclaimed singlelista, I couldn’t have agreed more. Thanks to Blane's book, and all the tips I've gotten from the Singles' Salon, I had a perfectly memorable date night-- with me!

-Ms. E

Thanks so much E. for your letter! We'll treasure it forever.

In the meantime, we're on a personal mission to get our hands on Blane Bachelor's book.  Stay tuned, because if it's anything as fab as what our reader has described above, we'll def be talking about it again soon.   We've tracked down the web site for the book and if you'd like to get a copy for your own Singlelistas Night In, you can find "On Being a Bachelor,” at

Got more singlelista suggestions or a fab story of your own you'd like to share? Email us at  Remember, sharing is caring, ladies!

Love Life. Every SINGE moment,
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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Singlelista Style: Fundamentally Speaking

Guess what ladies? It's the first Saturday in August, and you know what that means?!

Today we kick-off our new Saturday series, Singlelista Style, where we give you all the info you need to turn heads everywhere you go.  The world is your runway ladies, so be sure to give your fans (and your critics!) all the fabulousness they're dying for!

To help you turn your sidewalk into a catwalk, we sought the  expertise of New York fashion stylist Mia Tucker.  Mia's fashion sensibilities never disappoint and we're so glad that she's decided to share some of the style cues she gives her clients in the magazine and fashion industry to the singlelistas here at The Singles' Salon!  

So, the next time you see your ex and he asks you how you're doing, tell him "I'm doing great. In fact, you know I  have my own personal stylist now!"  

We promised you that you'd always be V.I.P. here at the Salon.  No wristbands necessary ladies, it's just one of the perks of the fab and free life we live!

Today, Mia is starting us with the basics and giving us the 5 Must Haves for Singlelista Style!  Check your closets as you read along, and whatever you don't already have should immediately move to the top of your grocery list (Yes, I meant grocery. Singlelista rule #4327, choose fashion over food- ALWAYS!).

Alright ladies, let's get this fashion show on the road!



Fab fitting jeans are a must-have because of their versatility- they look great paired with a dainty blouse or a casual t-shirt, depending on the occasion. I recommend styles with at least 2% elastane for the best possible fit. What I love about this pair is that they have an 8” rise which will keep all your “goods” covered as you take a seat or bend over. Thanks Habitual!

Audrey denim pant in phaser color by Habitual, $187.00


A seamless way to make a powerful statement is by choosing the right accessories. A statement necklace can transform a simple blouse (or t-shirt) into something ultra fabulous! This brass fringe necklace has a luxurious feel at a price that you just can’t pass up! 

Hive and Honey brass fringe necklace, $32.00 on

Every pretty girl needs a pretty blouse that will look fab over denim, a pair of leggings or a short, short skirt. This blouse by Karen Zambos Vintage Couture is a must have shade of orange because it will easily transition your wardrobe from summer into fall. Try wearing it with a skinny belt now or layering it over a long sleeve tee once fall arrives!

Turner Top by Karen Zambos Vintage Couture, $218.00 on


Platform wedges are a comfortable alternative to sky high heels and a simple way to add height to your look. These woven leather metallic wedges by Cynthia Vincent are perfect for showing off your fresh pedicure, and what’s even better is that they are currently on sale for under $200! Act fast ladies!

Amber Woven Leather Platforms by Cynthia Vincent (originally $395.00), now $199.99 on


Having a great handbag puts the finishing touches on any wardrobe. If there is one place you should invest your money, its here! This beautifully constructed leather bag by Rebecca Minkoff doubles as strapless clutch or a shoulder bag, making it perfect for the singlelista on the go!

 Starry Perforated Mae Clutch by Rebecca Minkoff, available for $365.00 on

And there, my fabs, you have it! The basics of singlelista style as brought to you by your own personal stylist! 

Take these five fashion essentials, pair them with colors and styles that punctuate your personality, and you're ready to get your strut on.

Next week, we'll talk about some of  the latest trends in beauty, but mark your calendars for the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, because that's when Mia will be back to help us build upon these basics. and instantly upgrade our style.

Want more Mia now?  Visit her web site at

Got a particular style question? Email us or leave a comment below, and we'll get you  fashionably covered! 

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Friday, August 6, 2010

It Coulda Been Me!

All the single ladies make some NOISSSSSSSSSE!!!

How many of you just screamed?

Okay, I'm kidding, but I do wonder if any of you ever get embarrased when the d.j. gives shout-outs to all the single women in the club.

Got bride envy? Keep reading!
I mean, if you're anything like me, it was cute when you were younger. (My requisite single ladies scream came like clock work after I was done raising the roof when they asked whether the 21 and up crew was in the house.) 

But somewhere after 25, the screams became more and more faint, and after 30 they turned into indiscernible mouse peeps accompanied by a quick scan around the room to see whether anyone else actually heard me. 

It's not that I'm ashamed of myself, it's just that there is something really taboo  about being the single, older woman in the club.  Like, just the other day my girlfriends and I were laughing about the stupid things we'd say when we were young, stupid, college girls. 

Feeling ourselves because we were young, fine, and...well...stupid, when the d.j. asked for the "30 and up crew" we'd regularly balk that "If I'm still 30 and in the club, please just slap me." To which the automatic response was always, "Ugh! I know! 30!?! Shouldn't they be home with their husbands and kids?"

Well fast-forward about a decade, and my girlfriends and I still make guest appearances in the clubs, and a few of us still have neither a husband nor child.

Now before this reminiscence sends you down the road of "It wasn't supposed to be this way!" and you rush to dust off your Vesta "Congratulations" album circa 1988, allow me to give you some news you could probably use.

Yesterday, I read this story about a Cleveland woman who learned of her husband's 2nd marriage by finding him tagged in his new wife's wedding photos on Facebook! 

I nearly dropped my morning mimosa (yes, that's how we do it over here, and no I didn't actually drop it because as appalled as I was, I didn't see the point in wasting perfectly fine champagne!) when I re-read that to make sure the story didn't say ex-husband. 


She is still married to him! 

Once upon a time in a love far, far away! The once happy couple
O-M-G! Singlelistas!! Can you imagine!?! Now I do not condone domestic violence in any shape, form, or fashion but I was absolutely certain that what I was reading was the intro to a new episode of Snapped

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?! I mean, not only are you having an affair on me, but it's so deep that you two actually have the foresight to plan the rest of your lives together.  Then you actually have the gall to execute the wedding. Then you are wreckless enough to post your wedding pictures on Facebook?!?

WHAT!?!?  I CAN'T!!

I'm sorry! I need a martini just to finish writing this story. Hold please....




Okay, I'm back!

Sigh... as I was saying. I read this poor woman's story and had so many questions.  Like, how much time was he spending away from home that he had time to plan a whole second wedding? Where did he tell you he was while the actual ceremony was taking place? How are you not in jail? (Oh, wait. No violence.  Let's move past that-- quickly!)

Ladies, I couldn't even do justice to this story if I tried to recap it for you, but I promise that it has more scandal than every episode of "Falcon Crest" combined (Note: if you are not old enough to remember "Falcon Crest," you are not old enough to read this blog. I kid! Kinda!).

So what did the two-timing husband have to say about all of this?  I'm so glad you asked. In an interview for the Today show he said, and I quote:

"I don't think I was cheating. "If you have a marriage that's not right from the beginning, it's not right at the end."

*dead* as in I literally just died!

Seriously singlelistas, I can't make this stuff up!

I'm sure many of you heard the story and had a similar out-of-body experience, because really... WHO DOES THAT?!?

But that's just it.  People do. Her husband did.

Now, I'm not at all implying that all men are bad, and that every man you meet is going to do this to you.   In fact, most won't.  This case is clearly an extreme and I'm not trying to scare you off the aisle forever.

My point in sharing this story (aside from having the obvious, "Can you believe this!?" girl talk session) is that you should be glad that this wasn't you.

I'd be willing to bet you anything that when she was originally swept away in her fairy-tale romance, she could have never imagined that a few years later her prince charming would be picking another princess and saying "I Do" in the magic kingdom, while she got left behind. (Oh! Did mention that, according to the Associated Press, he also took their son out one day and never returned home.  She later found out that he and the kids had moved to Florida with, wait for it... THE NEW WIFE!!! I can't!!!)

As I was sitting at my kitchen table reading this script for the next Lifetime "based on a true story"movie, I thought back on all the princes I'd loved and lost, and thought maybe everything really does happen for a reason. 

Now, I don't think any man would run off and get married while still married to me (umm...I can actually almost guarantee you of that. There are just some things you just don't try with some people. I'm just saying!), but I do believe that having to let go then, has saved me from a lot of hurt and heart break now.

I can't imagine how the (first) wife must be feeling right now, and I wouldn't want to change places with her in a million years. 

Okay, this isn't really her.  Just think of of this as a dramatic interpretation.

It's true that everything that glitters isn't gold, and that applies to flawless, princess cut, Harry Winston, diamond,wedding rings too.  I honestly believe that if it were my time to be married, I would be. But looking back, I'm glad that I didn't rush myself into any situation, that wasn't really a perfect fit.

To the original wife, my heart truly goes out to you, and our doors here at the Salon are always wide open. 

As for me, the next time I'm at the club and the d.j. starts asking the single women to make some noise, I plan to be the loudest (and the flyest!) singlelista on the dance floor!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Notes from Down The Aisle

So singlelistas! It occurred to me one day, that so many of us are chasing marriage, when we in fact have no real idea of what marriage is. 

I mean sure, those among us who had the luxury of growing up in a two-parent household got a front row to seat to our parents' marriages, and of course, there is the never-ending marital bliss we get to see courtesy of our TVs and nearest movie theaters, but how often do we really get to examine what it means to be married, and more importantly what it means to no longer be single? 

So often,  we women push, fight, and kill to get down that aisle, but do we really know what awaits us after we jump the broom?

Well singlelistas, your fab single-god mother's got you covered!  Beginning today, and on thehe first Wednesday of every month hereafter, The Singles' Salon will proudly present to you Notes from Down the Aisle,  a series articles written expressly for you about what the transition into marriage has really been like for some. 

The wives who participate in this feature have promised to be candid and forthcoming with you about what it's really like to be a bride- well after the festivities have stopped. 

Below, please the find our first installment of "Notes from Down The Aisle."  Is the grass really greener on the other side?

Take your pens out singlelistas, class is officially in session!

Giving up you for him

"The showers have dried up. The “I Do’s” are done. So, what now?

As a former singlelista (and current singlelista at heart) after the nuptials, I looked in the mirror one day and didn’t know quite who I was or who I was supposed to be. I had always taken such pride in being strong, independent, successful, and free to do anything my heart desired. I was also self-confident and forward-thinking enough to feel that if the right man came along, that marriage was an option… and if not, I would continue to be single and fabulous for life.

Well, it happened! The whirl-wind love affair, brief engagement, and lovely wedding transformed me from the woman who I had always seen myself as (and grown to love by the way) to a person that I didn’t even know. Being strong took a back seat to letting my husband handle it. The independent woman traded in “I” for “we”. My successes seemed to merge with his and the freedom to fulfill all of the desires of “my” heart had to be “our” decision. I was afraid that I had given up being the fabulous diva that I was for my husband's sake.

 Singlelistas, finding your prince charming is only half of the battle. The real work is in keeping Mr. Right, keeping Mr. Right happy, and remaining happy yourself… all while trying not to sacrifice who YOU really are (if you’ve even discovered who that fabulous woman is yet). Whew!

To keep my sanity during this identity crisis, I quickly had to realize one thing- in my journey from a singlelista to a matronista, there had to be some CHANGE. I could not continue to be the same person because my life was just not the same anymore. I had to adapt to the current situation because my many (too many) single days were now a thing of the past. Now whether this change was “for better or for worse” (pun intended), that was up to me.

I decided that the Stepford Wife kind of changing was not for me. Besides, wearing a lace-trimmed apron and baking a bundt cake is SO not my style. I decided to make a couple of adjustments at this is juncture in my life to enhance my life without destroying the integrity of the person that I had worked so hard to become:

I HAD TO BE MORE CONSIDERATE- Fortunately (and unfortunately) it’s not just about me anymore. I am a quintessential Leo and it has always been all about me. However, when I got married, surprisingly I found myself being concerned about what my husband felt or thought or what other people thought about him for that matter. I don’t just represent myself (or my momma’s home training) anymore.

I HAD TO STOP BEING SO HARD ON MYSELF- As a perfectionist with a Type-A personality; it has always been hard for me to admit failure or defeat. I thought that I was a superwoman and could do everything (and do it well). Once I reached the point of exhaustion, I realized that I am indeed, as much as I hate to admit it-- HUMAN. However, we do everything our husbands do and more. So, if the dinner doesn’t come out perfect, order take out. Or even better...let him cook!

These are just a couple of the changes that I have made and I’m still making new changes every day. I've made a choice not to view the changes that I made as giving up myself for my husband, but as making the person who I was a better life partner-- but understand singlelistas, that is indeed a conscious choice. 

When I decided to say "I do," I didn't realize then that I was also saying "I don't," as in "I" "don't" live here anymore.  The I's no longer have it, I've become okay with that. Becoming "we" is definitely an adjustment, and it's one that you have to be absolutely certain you're ready to make.

Through all of the change however, there is one thing that has remained constant-  I am ever-evolving, yet still absolutely perfect."

Well singlelistas... there you have it! What do you think?
Are you really ready to trade in you for him?  Got questions? Need clarification?  Love it? Hate it? Want to know more?

 Leave us a comment below. And let's get this convo started.  Remember, we're in this single life together!

Live life… every SINGLE moment of it!

Continue reading...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Single Celebs We Love: Kelly Rowland

"Ain't no reason to celebrate
But you know we gon' have a ball
Champagne spillin' from the wall
And I'll be partying til hella late
But I ain't worried not at all"
                                        -lyrics to "Commander" by Kelly Rowland

You liked that, right? No, it's not my attempt at poetry again. Those are the lyrics to Ms. Kelly's newest song "Commander," and don't they just scream "I'M A SINGLELISTA!" 

OK, besides the fact that Kelly and I share the same name (I mean you can't be a Kelly and not be fab!), the ever-resilient, don't-call-it-a-comeback songstress has been on our radar for quite some time, and today we're proud to give her the props she's due!

Ms. Rowland first burst onto the scene as a member of the infamous Destiny's Child.  Somehow managing to not get voted off the island, in what sometimes seemed to be more of an installment of Mark Burnett's Survivor, than an R&B singing group, Kelly proved that loyalty and commitment to true sisterhood reaps big rewards.

In 2004, after already having established herself as an entertainment heavyweight,  Kelly added a a new title to her bio that would bring her tears of joy in the beginning, and tears of heartbreak in the end. 

In what turned out to be a rather short-lived engagement, Kelly was once the fiancee of Dallas Cowboy safety, Roy Williams.  The pair, both 23 at the time, decided to make a life-long commitment to one another after dating for roughly six months (Nope...I'm not even going there. Keep reading!). After conducting a battery of interviews about her pre-bridal bliss, including one that landed her on the cover of Modern Bride magazine, Kelly announced that she had called off her engagement, exactly two months before the exchange of vows was to take place.

Not one for pity parties, Ms. Rowland pounced back into her work in both entertainment and philanthropy and has not slowed down since.

Although Destiny's Child officially broke up only months after the split between Kelly and her beau, the starlet has continued to prove that attitude really does determine your altitude. Today Ms. Kelly's career boast three solo albums, with the third being scheduled for release later this year.

Determined to take the world by storm Kelly set her sights overseas and has graduated from American celebrity to global sensation, consistently topping the U.K. charts.

In addition to her work in music, Kelly also has credits as an actress (Freddy vs.Jason,  The Seat Filler, Girlfriends, American Dream, Smart Guy and others) and TV host (The Fashion show alongside Isaac Mizrahi).  She is also a humanitarian, giving back to those in need through her work with the Survivor Foundation, the Knowles-Rowland Center for Youth, the Staying Alive Foundation, and her most recent philanthropic undertaking, the I Love My Girlfriends Foundation (Hey Kelly! We at The Singles' Salon love our girlfriends too! Sweet!!!!)

Ms. Kelly teaches us that there is no limit to our potential once we decide that failure is not an option, and that there is no point in crying over spilled milk.

Kelly Rowland is indeed a survivor, but more importantly, she's a bonafide singlelista!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Monday, August 2, 2010

Movin' On Mondays: The Greatest Love of All

Hey singlelistas! How was your weekend? Absolutely DIVINE I hope!

Well, it's Monday (sad face!) but more than that it's the first day of our new feature Movin' On Mondays (excited face!). 

As we've shared with you, our mission at the Salon is to empower and uplift single women everywhere, and part of that is helping some of our newly single ladies transition into full singlelista status

We know it's hard to celebrate being single when you're still mourning over the loss of your other half.  Break-ups hurt (Don't I know it!?! Remind me to tell you of the time I locked myself in the basement of my parents' house in the dead of winter with no heat on, while playing Etta James "I'd Rather Go Blind" on repeat. On second thought, let's just say it wasn't pretty and move on. Ahem...) so we're dedicating Mondays to helping would-be-singlelistas push past the pain and enter into full out fabulousness!

Today we're helping one reader check  out of Heartbreak Hotel and into The Singles' Salon.  An excerpt of what she wrote us is below:

"I just don't know what to do."

"...I've been in this relationship for 11 years now and for the past five I've watched it deteriorate to almost nothing. 

We don't really talk anymore and we fight more than we get along because I believe he's doing things that my boyfriend shouldn't be doing. I've never really CAUGHT him cheating, but I know enough to know that things aren't on the straight and narrow with him.

We used to do almost everything together, but now it's as though we lead two completely separate lives.  In my head I know I'm holding on to what we used to have, because I would have never signed up for this B.S. that we have now. My heart isn't quite ready to let go though because I really and truly do love him. 

I can't believe I'm even writing this letter, but I can't talk to my friends about it anymore because they don't like him and I already know what they're going to say.  I just don't know what to do.  Should I stay or should I go? I just want to be happy.  I used to be happy with him.  Now I just don't know anymore."

Oh, doll! My heart is breaking just reading your letter because it's a feeling I know all too well.  The question of when to call it quits is so personal that I unfortunately can't give you a static timeline that tells you exactly what point you need to wave the white flag, as much as I wish I could. 

I can tell you this with complete confidence though, you should not be alone in your relationship. One of the biggest complaints women who are not in relationships have is that we get tired of being alone.  What many of us forget though is that we have the freedom of choice in that matter.  No, we may not be able to speed dial the man of our dreams on command, but there usually is somebody we can call if we really just want company for the moment.  (Don't judge me. Even Broadway has stand-ins for its leading men!) 

The problem with being in a two-some where the other person has seemingly gone awol is that even in your loneliest hour, you no longer have the freedom of calling up your stand-in. 

I'm not going to tell you to whether or not to leave your relationship, because that's a call that only you can make. I do however want to address  the last line of your letter.  My strong advice is Don't chase a relationship, chase happiness.

When we place our relationships as the most important priority in our lives, if we don't choose well we usually wind up sacrificing our own happiness.  When we put our happiness first, we often  sacrifice bad relationships.  Once you learn to love you first, it will be much easier to gauge your partner's love (or lack there-of) for you.

Finally, with absolutely no judgement attached, I want to point out that the fact that he is still your boyfriend after 11 years may be very telling.  It's also worth noting that many times when our friends, those who truly love us, don't approve of our partners there's usually a really good reason for that. 

It is true that love is blind, but let the pursuit of  your own happiness be your eyes.  You have the power to mend your own broken heart, and it sounds like you've got a strong circle of friends to help support you through it.

We at the Salon are sending you a Singlelista Survival Kit, filled with goodies to help you reconnect with your fabulousness.  We are also sentencing you to a fab Singlelistas Night Out so that you and your friends can celebrate everything that is wonderful and worthy about you!

Thanks so much for sharing this with us, and please keep us posted as you make your decision. Just remember that "learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all!"

Whitney Houston - Greatest Love Of All
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Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

Do you or someone you know need help checking out of Heartbreak Hotel?  Email us at and tell us about it.  Enter the subject line Movin' On Mondays so that we make your letter a priority. 

If you've got additional advice, thoughts, or feedback for our distressed diva, please offer your comments below.

Remember, we're in this single life together!
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