Monday, July 12, 2010

Do You Want to Ride in My Mercedes, Boy?

Any TRUE 80's pop fan will recognize this post title as an homage to the Pebbles' classic "Mercedes Boy."

As much as I used to luvvvvv that song, that's not really what today's chat is about.

The other day, I was driving down the street thinking about my life and trying to determine whether I had any deeply buried sorrow about not yet having a husband and kids, as my aunt had suggested (ahem... insisted!) during our last convo.

Midway through my soul search for signs of oppressed regret, I came to a red light and, being the law abiding citizen that I am, pulled to a complete stop.  As my right foot became settled onto the brake, a silver minivan pulled to my left.  There, one lane over from me, I witnessed a horror scene that jolted me out of my attempted self-induced pity and pulled my life completely back into perspective.

Imagine this: A woman in her late 30's driving a silver minivan pulls up next to me.  Drowning out the  So Hard rhythms of  Rihanna on my i-pod, was the most annoying "latest hit" on Disney Radio I've ever heard.  As I went to roll up my window to provide some barrier of protection between me and the Mother Goose remix, I looked over and noticed how completely strained the driver looked.  Her hair was in an...umm..sorta-kinda-ponytail and her countenance screamed "Calgon, (or anybody for that matter) take me away!"

In her back  two seats were three children- a pair of twins that looked to be about 2, and a little boy that couldn't have been more than 4

There were crayons flying, babies crying, and  juice cups everywhere!

I was startled, frightened, and then appalled! I must have looked it too because the driver, the kids' mother I presumed, snapped me out of my trans by shooting me a glare that unequivocally read- "What the h*!$ are you staring at?"

Now, I'm not judging or condemning mothers. I 100% believe that motherhood is a beautiful thing, but in that moment I realized that not even that fabulous 3 karat diamond she donned on her left hand would make me want to trade places with her right now.

I'm sure somewhere deep inside of me is the desire to be a mother and doting wife one day, but I knew in that instant that today is not that day.

As the light turned green I quickly transitioned my foot from the brake to the gas and decided that at this time in my life, I don't need a husband, kids, and a mini van. 

What I need is a new convertible -  a two-seater or something that expressly says no car seats allowed!

A Mercedes maybe?

The search is officially on!

 Stay tuned and until then....

Love Life...every SINGLE moment of it!

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