Friday, July 16, 2010

SNO- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

First and foremost I have to give honor to the original diva of Singlelistas Night Out (SNO), the one and only Cyndi Lauper who gave us this anthem more than twenty years ago. 

Nearly three decades later, the sentiment still holds true and we singlelistas know that life is too short to sit around waiting to be asked to the dance. 

So Fridays at The Singles' Salon is officially dedicated to Singlelistas Night Out (*cue confetti drop and raucous applause)!  We'll give you our suggestions for fairy tale evenings with the girls and you give us yours. Together, we'll make sure that our lives our lived to the fullest and that each and every weekend we paint the town pink!

This week we're encouraging everyone to have a "culturally chic" weekend (thanks Sandra!) by calling up a girlfriend or two (please note that gay boyfriends are welcomed;we'll chat about the importance of those very soon!) and feeding your passion for the performing arts (if you haven't yet acquired said passion, now is a great time to start fueling your new obsession!). 

The evening should progress as follows:

5:30- Singlelistas convene at a chic tapas restaurant within 10 miles of the performance venue for a two-hour session of dinner, drinks, and girl talk focused expressly on celebrity gossip, recent fashion purchases, drama at the office, and of course-- boys! (I know what you're thinking "This evening is supposed to be all about the ladies." And you're right, but let's face it, you're dying to tell your girlfriends about the ridiculous/sweet/ridiculously sweet thing that your crush said or did this week, and they are dying to hear about it!)

7:30- Arrive at the performance venue and find your seat.
(Note: most shows begin promptly at 8 PM.  You should plan to arrive 30 minutes before the show, tickets in hand, so as not to be "those women" walking in late. It's tacky and everyone in the theater will be talking about you. Besides, if you show up once the house lights have already gone down, you deprive everyone of the opportunity to see your new Jimmy Choos, and who doesn't love a good fashion show?!  Moral of the story-- don't be selfish, be on time!)

8:00- The curtain goes up and the entertainment begins.
(Shhh!--- NO TALKING! Save all comments for intermission.  Remember, we're fab, not obnoxious!)

10:30- The show concludes. You offer polite applause and  proceed to the nearest wine cellar or ultra-lounge,depending on your mood.  The key here is that drinking must be involved. After-show cocktails are an essential component of Singlelistas Night Out.

Until- That's what time you leave- whenever you feel like it, because not having to rush home is one of the perks of living single. (Don't you just love your life!)

We've taken the liberty of looking up and making recommendations for some artistically appetizing events happening in a few major cities.  If we didn't include your town, write us at  and tell us what show you and your girlfriends will be going to see. 

Atlanta-  The Phantom of the Opera
Chicago- Blue Man Group
Los Angeles- Thurgood
New York- The Heights
San Francisco- Wicked
Washington, DC- Avenue Q

Oh- a few critical rules for Singlelistas Night Out:

3. Take lots of pictures*

*Once your evening turns out fab, email us your SNO pics and we just may post them next week!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

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