Saturday, July 17, 2010

Singlelista STYLE: The Betty Peep Show

Being a singlelista is one part attitude and one part glam, and since we aim to give you fantastic attitude adjusters all week, we've decided to reserve Saturdays at The Singles' Salon specifically for  style!

Next week you'll meet and hear from the Salon's very own fashion editor (*faint*), but this Saturday we're gonna talk beauty... a very private kind of beauty that is!

I bet (hope!) many (all!) of you do some form of maintaining your "special occasions" area :) regularly, be it shaving, waxing, laser-ing or whatever.  However, I've recently come across some beauty enhancement solutions that take female grooming to a whole new level.

Now if you're anything like me the mere thought of placing hot wax or a sharp razor near your bikini line has you belting out the chorus of the fierce one's If I Were a Boy.

Well apparently we're not alone because a company called Betty (as in every woman has a "betty") has created the BettyBare conditioning body and bikini cream hair remover.  Now there's nothing novel about cream hair removals, so let me fast-forward to the pretty part.

If going bare isn't statement enough for you, then how about showing the world (Oh wait...definitely NOT the world!) your singlelista spirit by painting your betty pink! Not the pink type, ey? No worries! There's also blonde, blue, lilac, and ruby red, among others!

If you really want to get jiggy with it, pair your betty color dye with the Ready Betty ultimate stylin' kit, and give your girl the home design makeover you've always dreamed of. Feeling loving? How about a nice pink heart?  Feeling dangerous? Strike up a ruby red lightening bolt! With eight design stencils to choose from, you could really create a whole picture scape down there. (Although we highly advise that you don't!)

If these options still aren't glam enough for you, then you probably believe like my sorority sister that "The more bling the better!" In that case, the Alphabetty's got your name on it...literally.  For $2.99 a letter, you can place the name or initials of anyone you'd like down under with the help of peel and stick alphabet gemstones

I guess now we can finally answer the age old question, "Who's is it?" (Ooh...tasteless X-rated joke...sigh...please forgive me!)

Well singlelistas, if this is not a beauty secret, then I don't know what is!

Disclaimer: This is a style segment, not a product review. That means I am making no claims to having tried this product; I'm simply informing you that it exists. 

However, if you want in on the action and are feeling daringly beautiful, visit  Betty online and check out all the offerings.

Shoot me an email at and tell me which product you'd like to try.  The first person to send me an email with "Buy Me Betty" in the subject line will receive a free Betty product of your choice, under the condition that you will write a review to be posted here at The Singles' Salon.  Why? Because sharing is caring, singlelistas!

Alright ladies, get your betty style on!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

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