Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Rules of Lyfe

Oooh Singlelistas!

Last night I was riding home from a fab night out with one of my girlfriends- a fellow singlelista of course!- and I heard a song on the radio that caught my ear.  Now candidly speaking, I don't pay much attention to most of the new songs that get air play these days because...well... I don't like them. But this one had me dying to get back to you all!

Picture it:  It's about 11:30 PM and I'm driving down the highway. The sun roof is open. The summer breeze is tousling through my hair, and a sexy R&B melody begins streaming through my speakers.  I hear a man talking. His voice is raspy and I think "I know that is not..." 

He continues, " I'm your teacher LYFE JENNINGS in the flesh baby." 

"Oh, yes it is!"

Now for any of my Singlelistas who aren't die hard R&B fans, Lyfe Jennings is a pretty popular singer who I believe has one of the absolute sexiest voices I've ever heard. It's got that "I just woke up" quality to it- ALL THE TIME, which means that I could literally listen to it all day. 


I digress...

So the melody continues and after he quickly explains that we have now been transported to statistics class, our lesson begins with this first verse:

25% of all men are unstable

25% of all men can't be faithful

30% of them don't mean what they say

and 10% of them in maybe 20 is gay

That leaves you a 10% chance of ever finding your man

That means you never paid attention to these words that I said

I'm gonna teach you how expose the 90%

and show you what to do to keep the other 10.

Whoa!!!! Right?!?

Now, I don't know where exactly he is getting these "statistics," and I'm almost certain that they wouldn't hold up under scientific quantitative analysis, but I'm curious as to where he is headed with this.

I turn the radio up.

He goes on to give single women the four rules that will help us beat the odds.

Rule 1: Wait, actually... listen to the rules for yourself...

Singlelistas, I am DYING to get your feedback on this.  Does Lyfe's math add up?  Will you be following his rules any time soon? Don't you think he's REALLY cute? (OK, maybe you don't have to answer that last one.)

Email me your thoughts at  I've got my calculator standing by!

I guess my algebra teacher was right, math really is everywhere. Sigh...

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

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