Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Movin' On Mondays

I know exactly what you're thinking. It's not Monday! 

I know! I know! But the next time you read this segment it will be, and we've actually been working on it since last Monday, so I'm going to execute my Executive Singlelista Privileges, and hereby declare that today's post still qualifies! (Why do you have to be so literal anyway? Sheez!)

Last week I told you all that we at the Salon were developing a new regular feature that you'd love. Well, that may have been a tad bit over ambitious, as we really have no way to regulate how you feel about anything, but we've finalized the series and are ready to put it out there- in hopes that you really will fawn all over it!

Who can forget this classic scene from Thelma and Louise?!?

As you now know, our goal here at The Singles' Salon is to uplift, encourage, and celebrate those of us who are living the single life and to help all singlelistas more fully love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

We also know that being single, like most things in life, isn't always a fairy-tale and that many of us are in different stages of singledom, with some of us handling it better than others. 

Our hope is that as the Salon grows as a community, we'll all be better able to participate in one another's lives.  We ask that you  do so by leaving comments on our blog, messages on our Facebook fan page, tweets in our Twitter timeline, and singlelista mail in our inbox.  We are committed to doing that by increasing the number of contributors who share different stories, experiences and perspectives. 

It's important that every reader of The Singles' Salon feels like a member of the Salon, and believes that this site belongs to you as much as it does us. We should, together, share in the laughter, triumphs, and experiences that come with being a singlelista.  In that same spirit, we should also share in the challenges that this lifestyle sometimes brings.

Being a true singlelista means fully embracing where you are in this very moment- loving your life, just as it is right now.  Yes, we hope for the future, but we dance in our present.    

Based on some of the emails we've received since our launch, we know that there are those among us who are still in the early stages of recognizing and walking in all the freedoms that the single life affords us.  There are some who have been attached, either in long-term relationships or marriages their entire lives, and now, suddenly faced with being single, have no idea which way to turn.  To those women in particular, we welcome you and look forward to guiding you to full singlelista status very soon!

To that end, we are excited to announce our new segment, Movin' On Mondays, where every Monday we will help check budding singlelistas out of heartbreak hotel.  We'll answer letters from readers, examine break-ups in the media, and hopefully help the newly single among us see that there's a lot to love within ourselves. 

Ladies, it's check-out time!

We have a fabulous time here at the Salon, because we are fabulous, and you are fabulous too!

If you or someone you know could use a little help checking out and movin' on from a past relationship, recent divorce or break-up, please email us at Singlelistas@gmail.com. Enter Movin' On Mondays in the subject line so that we place priority on your message. 

It's true. Breaking up is hard to do, so let's go through this single life together!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

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