Saturday, July 24, 2010

SNO: Life's a Picnic

It's the weekennnnnnnnd, baby! And you know what that means! It's time for another fab suggestion for a Singlelistas Night Out! 

Or...I guess in this case, a Singlelistas DAY Out!

How many times have you fantasized about spending a beautiful afternoon with that special someone, laying in the park, having a nice romantic picnic? Well singlelistas, this is the post for you! 

If you're a regular here at the Salon, then by now you've gotten the memo that Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves! (BTW, Don't Aretha and Annie look AMAZING in that video?! ) If today is your first visit, then you picked a great day to stop by because we've planned a haute day for you and your girls!

Ladies and Singlelistas, The Singles' Salon is pleased to present to you today (*drum roll please*)

The Chic-nic!

 The chic-nic is a fun, fashionable way to catch up with the girls (Yep, we know that between working the job, mommy-ing your pup, juggling your dates, volunteering at the shelter, and keeping your work-outs on track, it's easy to let your friendships fall through the cracks! We've got you covered!) and finally have that picnic you've been wanting to go on forever- but now with way more style!

Sounds delish right? It is! So call up your girlfriends and let's get this chic-nic started!

What you'll need:

- A stylish throw (or blanket if you must!)
- An uber-cute chic-nic basket
- Your fave delectable treats
- A bottle (or five!) of wine
- Wine glasses
- Plates, cutlery, and utensils
- A digital camera
- An i-Pod loaded with singlelista anthems*
- Games, Games, Games & Games
-An accurate, detailed account of all the juicy gossip that you've neglected to share with your friends since you all spoke last

OK, once you've collected all your essentials invite a couple of your girls to meet you at your place so that you can drive together to the cutest (please note that I didn't necessarily say the closest) park in your city.

It's important that you all ride together because when spending time with Mother Nature, you must show respect for her by carpooling to minimize your carbon footprint. If there is a question over whose car you all should take, I highly recommend that you opt to ride with whoever drives the convertible.  Remember that this is a chic-nic which means style is everything, so keep that in mind when planning all facets of this day.

Now in order to help you execute this flawlessly, I've pulled together a few suggestions for the types of items you should get for your chic-nic.

For your throw, I recommend you choose something that tells all of your park peers a little something about the kind of singlelista you are.  For example, Macy's has this beautiful ruffled throw for the stylish yet understated singlelista, and this cute Lacoste throw for the sporty spices among us. (P.S. You won't believe the price on the Lacoste throw. It's on clearance at at must buy markdown. Don't say I didn't tell you so!)  If you're feeling more daring, Target has this zebra striped throw, that will instantly turn the park into your very own lipstick jungle!

Martha Stewart Collection Ruffle Throw via

Lacoste Cable Knit Throw via

Xhilaration Zebra Throw via

Once you're ready to throw down (LOL!!! THROW DOWN!! GET IT? *blank stare?* OK, fine!) it's time to grab your chic-nic basket.

Bed, Bath & Beyond has some trendy toting options, like these colorful, insulated carriers from Metro Picnic Baskets. If you'd prefer to go the more classic route, then this Barrel Picnic Basket will offer the traditional rattan you love with just a hint of modern style that you'll absolutely die for. 

If you're really feeling fab, try eighty-sixing the basket all together and make a bold, sassy statement with an over-sized hat box.  That'll definitely have the park patrons singing "Who's that Lady?!" You can typically find hat boxes at just about any upscale apparel or gift boutique, but I usually grab mine from the gift section at Marshall's (Remember, we're still trying to save every SINGLE penny where we can!). 

Metro Picnic Baskets via Bed Bath & Beyond

Barrel Picnic Basket via Bed Bath & Beyond

Pack your snacks in an over-sized hat box for extra flair!

By now you should see where I'm going with this, so I won't go through the entire list of must-haves with you, but just remember that style is everything when it comes to chic-nics. 

Instead of choosing everyday, run of the mill, picnic items, use your creativity to incorporate elements that showcase and celebrate everything that is show-stopping about your girls and you!

Alright ladies, go get your chic-nic on, and as always be sure to send us pics! We'd love to post your Singlelistas Night Out photos on our site. Why? Because Sharing is Caring, of course!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

*Hey singlelistas! We've given you our suggestions, now we'd like to hear some of yours. On Twitter today, we're looking for singlelista anthems, you know those songs that remind you of just how fierce you really are! Whether it's the song you blast in the bathroom when getting ready for a night on the town, or the song you play in the car to help get you mentally prepared to face the day, we want to add it to our play list. Tweet your favorite get 'em girl song with the hashtag #singlelistaanthems.

And if you're not following us on Twitter already, please join us now @ImaSinglelista. See you there Tweeties!

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