Monday, July 12, 2010

One Monkey Don't Stop No Show


Don't get too excited singlelistas, HAD is the operative word.

I was supposed to meet a friend for dinner tonight.  The date had been decided upon earlier this week.  The time was confirmed last night, and the location was finalized this afternoon.  I HAD a date!

So you know what that means loves, my "effortlessly fashionable, no I'm not trying too hard, I just always look this amazing" date night dress was selected 3 days ago.  The hair and makeup run-through ritual was performed last night, and my witty "get him with the looks, keep him with the charm" one-liners were perfected this morning. I was all ready for a flawlessly executed evening.

Then I got the text.

"Hey babe. I'm going to have to take a rain check on dinner tonight. Something really important just came up. Let's try again for later this week."

*blank stare*

First off, the only place I know that actually issues rain checks is K-Mart, and I haven't been there since I stopped going back-to-school shopping with my mom. Second, "something really important?" So... what am I? Something really unimportant apparently. Third, did he really think that after being cancelled on via TEXT MESSAGE, that I would actually be willing to "try" anything with him later this week, next week, or any other time in what I predict will be my long and prosperous life???

*3 blinks*

After accepting that I would not be having a hopelessly romantic,When Harry Met Sally kind of night after all, I did exactly what any other self-respecting singlelista of my fabness would do...

I slipped on my get 'em girl dress.

I glammed up my hair and makeup.

I drove down to that Thai restaurant I'd been dreaming about all day  (because of course I'd gone online, reviewed the menu, and decided what I'd be ordering as soon as we picked the place, and was by now salivating at the mere thought of the spicy basil noodles I'd  be having later this evening!).

I ordered my meal, a glass of  white wine, and green tea ice cream for dessert.

I sat with myself, at my table for 1 and  silently recalled (and laughed at) all my witty lines, listened to my thoughts, and enjoyed my own company.

I have to say singlelistas, I had a wonderful time with me tonight. I was stunning; I had great (internal) conversation, and I even saw a couple of guys from other tables (and dates) checking me out. 

I was my own best date tonight and I think I'm going to meet up with me again soon. 

In fact, as I've been writing to you all, I just got a text from him, asking whether we can reschedule for Thursday night.  I think I'll write him back and tell him that I'm already committed for Thursday evening, with the person who stood in for him tonight!

Take that! Take that!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

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