Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Single Celebs We Love- Drew Barrymore

"So I didn't settle with the wrong person yet. Big deal!"

While this certainly sounds like a sentiment conceived by our writers here at the Salon, this ode to freedom actually comes from a very famous CoverGirl. The fact that Drew Barrymore had enough chutzpah to speak this truth in her interview in this month's Elle magazine, tells us everything we need to know to certify that she is indeed a singlelista!

The ever-so-accomplished Barrymore has quite a list of achievements. The actor, producer, director, entrepreneur, spokesperson, and model began her acting career at 11 months old, and has been working it ever since.

Although it wasn't her first acting gig, Barrymore won our hearts  in 1982 when she played the epically adorable Gertie in the sci-fi classic E.T. (Note: if you are not old enough to remember actually watching this movie, then you are not old enough to be reading this blog. In that case, we're going to kindly refer you to the Nickelodeon or Disney Channel sites. Thank you!).

With more than two decades of stardom behind her, Barrymore has managed to keep her place in both the hearts and minds of the world, by achieving true superstar status and maintaining her relevance to pop culture and permanency in showbiz.

The road for this starlet hasn't always been easy; at only 13 she battled a very public drug addiction and was labeled a Hollywood bad girl by the media (no need to re-read that. I didn't switch subjects to Lindsey Lohan. Drew's just been there, done that.  Maybe there's hope for Lohan after all!).  As an adult, Barrymore was married, and divorced-- twice.  (Her last husband was the is-he-really-even-funny comedian, Tom Green. I must admit I wasn't sad to see them split. I always thought she was too classy for him anyway). 

"If you're 35 and single and it's a choice, it feels fine." Barrymore tells Elle in the August 2010 issue.

Being the true singlelista that Barrymore is, she never let life's obstacles derail her train to happiness. With an unapologetic on-again-off-again boyfriend "situation", a resume that even movie star veterans would kill for, and enough chick flick sensations to cement her legacy in Hollywood history, Drew Barrymore continues to prove that self-love really does conquer all.

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Movin' On Mondays

I know exactly what you're thinking. It's not Monday! 

I know! I know! But the next time you read this segment it will be, and we've actually been working on it since last Monday, so I'm going to execute my Executive Singlelista Privileges, and hereby declare that today's post still qualifies! (Why do you have to be so literal anyway? Sheez!)

Last week I told you all that we at the Salon were developing a new regular feature that you'd love. Well, that may have been a tad bit over ambitious, as we really have no way to regulate how you feel about anything, but we've finalized the series and are ready to put it out there- in hopes that you really will fawn all over it!

Who can forget this classic scene from Thelma and Louise?!?

As you now know, our goal here at The Singles' Salon is to uplift, encourage, and celebrate those of us who are living the single life and to help all singlelistas more fully love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

We also know that being single, like most things in life, isn't always a fairy-tale and that many of us are in different stages of singledom, with some of us handling it better than others. 

Our hope is that as the Salon grows as a community, we'll all be better able to participate in one another's lives.  We ask that you  do so by leaving comments on our blog, messages on our Facebook fan page, tweets in our Twitter timeline, and singlelista mail in our inbox.  We are committed to doing that by increasing the number of contributors who share different stories, experiences and perspectives. 

It's important that every reader of The Singles' Salon feels like a member of the Salon, and believes that this site belongs to you as much as it does us. We should, together, share in the laughter, triumphs, and experiences that come with being a singlelista.  In that same spirit, we should also share in the challenges that this lifestyle sometimes brings.

Being a true singlelista means fully embracing where you are in this very moment- loving your life, just as it is right now.  Yes, we hope for the future, but we dance in our present.    

Based on some of the emails we've received since our launch, we know that there are those among us who are still in the early stages of recognizing and walking in all the freedoms that the single life affords us.  There are some who have been attached, either in long-term relationships or marriages their entire lives, and now, suddenly faced with being single, have no idea which way to turn.  To those women in particular, we welcome you and look forward to guiding you to full singlelista status very soon!

To that end, we are excited to announce our new segment, Movin' On Mondays, where every Monday we will help check budding singlelistas out of heartbreak hotel.  We'll answer letters from readers, examine break-ups in the media, and hopefully help the newly single among us see that there's a lot to love within ourselves. 

Ladies, it's check-out time!

We have a fabulous time here at the Salon, because we are fabulous, and you are fabulous too!

If you or someone you know could use a little help checking out and movin' on from a past relationship, recent divorce or break-up, please email us at Singlelistas@gmail.com. Enter Movin' On Mondays in the subject line so that we place priority on your message. 

It's true. Breaking up is hard to do, so let's go through this single life together!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

SNO: Life's a Picnic

It's the weekennnnnnnnd, baby! And you know what that means! It's time for another fab suggestion for a Singlelistas Night Out! 

Or...I guess in this case, a Singlelistas DAY Out!

How many times have you fantasized about spending a beautiful afternoon with that special someone, laying in the park, having a nice romantic picnic? Well singlelistas, this is the post for you! 

If you're a regular here at the Salon, then by now you've gotten the memo that Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves! (BTW, Don't Aretha and Annie look AMAZING in that video?! ) If today is your first visit, then you picked a great day to stop by because we've planned a haute day for you and your girls!

Ladies and Singlelistas, The Singles' Salon is pleased to present to you today (*drum roll please*)

The Chic-nic!

 The chic-nic is a fun, fashionable way to catch up with the girls (Yep, we know that between working the job, mommy-ing your pup, juggling your dates, volunteering at the shelter, and keeping your work-outs on track, it's easy to let your friendships fall through the cracks! We've got you covered!) and finally have that picnic you've been wanting to go on forever- but now with way more style!

Sounds delish right? It is! So call up your girlfriends and let's get this chic-nic started!

What you'll need:

- A stylish throw (or blanket if you must!)
- An uber-cute chic-nic basket
- Your fave delectable treats
- A bottle (or five!) of wine
- Wine glasses
- Plates, cutlery, and utensils
- A digital camera
- An i-Pod loaded with singlelista anthems*
- Games, Games, Games & Games
-An accurate, detailed account of all the juicy gossip that you've neglected to share with your friends since you all spoke last

OK, once you've collected all your essentials invite a couple of your girls to meet you at your place so that you can drive together to the cutest (please note that I didn't necessarily say the closest) park in your city.

It's important that you all ride together because when spending time with Mother Nature, you must show respect for her by carpooling to minimize your carbon footprint. If there is a question over whose car you all should take, I highly recommend that you opt to ride with whoever drives the convertible.  Remember that this is a chic-nic which means style is everything, so keep that in mind when planning all facets of this day.

Now in order to help you execute this flawlessly, I've pulled together a few suggestions for the types of items you should get for your chic-nic.

For your throw, I recommend you choose something that tells all of your park peers a little something about the kind of singlelista you are.  For example, Macy's has this beautiful ruffled throw for the stylish yet understated singlelista, and this cute Lacoste throw for the sporty spices among us. (P.S. You won't believe the price on the Lacoste throw. It's on clearance at at must buy markdown. Don't say I didn't tell you so!)  If you're feeling more daring, Target has this zebra striped throw, that will instantly turn the park into your very own lipstick jungle!

Martha Stewart Collection Ruffle Throw via Macys.com

Lacoste Cable Knit Throw via Macys.com

Xhilaration Zebra Throw via Target.com

Once you're ready to throw down (LOL!!! THROW DOWN!! GET IT? *blank stare?* OK, fine!) it's time to grab your chic-nic basket.

Bed, Bath & Beyond has some trendy toting options, like these colorful, insulated carriers from Metro Picnic Baskets. If you'd prefer to go the more classic route, then this Barrel Picnic Basket will offer the traditional rattan you love with just a hint of modern style that you'll absolutely die for. 

If you're really feeling fab, try eighty-sixing the basket all together and make a bold, sassy statement with an over-sized hat box.  That'll definitely have the park patrons singing "Who's that Lady?!" You can typically find hat boxes at just about any upscale apparel or gift boutique, but I usually grab mine from the gift section at Marshall's (Remember, we're still trying to save every SINGLE penny where we can!). 

Metro Picnic Baskets via Bed Bath & Beyond

Barrel Picnic Basket via Bed Bath & Beyond

Pack your snacks in an over-sized hat box for extra flair!

By now you should see where I'm going with this, so I won't go through the entire list of must-haves with you, but just remember that style is everything when it comes to chic-nics. 

Instead of choosing everyday, run of the mill, picnic items, use your creativity to incorporate elements that showcase and celebrate everything that is show-stopping about your girls and you!

Alright ladies, go get your chic-nic on, and as always be sure to send us pics! We'd love to post your Singlelistas Night Out photos on our site. Why? Because Sharing is Caring, of course!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!

*Hey singlelistas! We've given you our suggestions, now we'd like to hear some of yours. On Twitter today, we're looking for singlelista anthems, you know those songs that remind you of just how fierce you really are! Whether it's the song you blast in the bathroom when getting ready for a night on the town, or the song you play in the car to help get you mentally prepared to face the day, we want to add it to our play list. Tweet your favorite get 'em girl song with the hashtag #singlelistaanthems.

And if you're not following us on Twitter already, please join us now @ImaSinglelista. See you there Tweeties!
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Are You Available?

Gather round the campfire ladies. I've got a horror story for you!

Earlier this week I was checking my singlelista mail and came across an invitation to a magazine launch party. Now experience has taught me that "magazine launch party" is usually code for "can't- miss affair" so I marked my calendar, picked out my dress, and began counting down the days until I'd get my sipping-martinis-on-a-roof top on.

When party day rolled around I thought it'd be a good idea to actually note which magazine I was going to help launch, and was further intrigued when I saw that it was a publication dedicated solely to dating.  Hmmm...very interesting! As a singlelista myself, I imagined that I was exactly the new rag's target audience and couldn't wait to go prance around in my peep toes and mingle with other sassy singlelistas, while showing off my modest yet striking, red, happy-hour dress.

At 7 PM sharp, I pulled up to the hotel, met one of my girlfriends in the lobby and after exchanging the pre-requisite "Hey girl! I haven't seen you in so long" (i.e. about 3 days) hug, we got on the elevator and headed to the roof where all of the launch party fabulousness awaited.

Eight seconds later the doors opened and we quickly scanned the scene. We saw pink cocktails,  flowing summer frocks, and a registration table adorned in fresh flowers, raffle bowls, and magazine covers, of course!  Assured that we were definitely in the right place, we headed over to the registration table to get started on our  fun, fab night with our kind of people.

After signing us in, the perfectly bronzed registration attendant handed us our raffle tickets and directed us to complete and put on our name tags. No problem! Where it read "Hi. My name is_______," I penned my Jane Hancock in the most fashionable penmanship I could muster up. I was already off to a perfectly stylish start. Great! 

Then I saw it.

In the upper right corner of the name tag were two multiple choice options:

____ I'm taken.

____ I'm available.

I paused. 

Exactly whose idea was this?!? Okay, I get that I'm at a party for a magazine designed to help people date more effectively, but these two options were soooo not singlelista approved!

I stood there for a moment, staring at my options and performing a micro-psycho-evaluation of myself.  How do I begin to answer this? What if neither of these applies to me?  Wait...neither of these does apply to me.

Granted, I'm not "taken." (Although even if I were in a relationship I don't know that I'd identify myself as "taken."  I mean, if someone has been taken, then shouldn't the family of that person call the cops or something?

I digress.

No, I'm not in a relationship, or "taken", but I hadn't come to the point where I'd recognized myself as "available" either.   What does that even mean? Available to do what exactly? 

I was stumped.  

After standing there for a moment with my motionless sharpie in hand, I realized  that there was a line of people standing behind me waiting to sign in.  I needed to make a decision.  In retrospect I should have created my own box and written in I'm a Singlelista!  But instead, I shamefully caved.  I checked it. Yep. I walked around all night falsely advertising that I was "available."


I felt like a traitor for sure, but the worse part was watching the reactions of some of the guys at the party as they learned of my status as broadcasted on my name tag.  With just a flick of a pen, my friend (also advertising her available-ness) and I became subjected to some of the lamest pick up lines, pitches for dating services, and awkward conversations I've ever sat through.

Is this what it's like to be "available?"

I couldn't!

Ten minutes in I removed my name tag and discreetly placed it in my black croc clutch.  Putting on that "I'm available" label opened the door to advances that I would have never wished on my worst single enemy.  I could no longer let the world (or at least the people  at the party) believe that I was "available" without first defining the terms. 

I thought it better to be the hot girl in the red dress with no name tag.  That way if anybody cared to know who I was or what I was about, they'd have to man up and come over to ask me-- no preconceived notions attached.


What do you think singlelistas? Do you consider yourself to be available? Is being single and being available the same thing? What would you have marked on your name tag?

Let a singlelista know!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Where Would You Go?

Where would you go if nothing was holding you back?
What would you do if you were destined to win?
Who would you be if you could design your own life?
Now, tell me exactly what's stopping you again?

OK, so Maya Angelou I'm not, but stick with me because this one's  good.

A few months ago I realized that I hated my life

I hated my job.  I was in a sorta-kinda-relationship that was going nowhere at light speed.  I wasn't involved in any activities or programs that added value to my life or contributed to humanity. Overall, I felt completely stuck and was beginning to question what had become of my life.

Then through an unexpected, and what I thought to be tragic, chain of events I became unstuck from it all, literally.  My job let me go.  My sorta-kinda-relationship fell completely apart and, well, I still wasn't involved in anything meaningful. As I stood in the midst of my dissipating life I stopped and asked myself the question many people in my position would ask...

What the Hell?!?

I KNEW this was not my life, and it definitely was not the one I had envisioned for myself.  I'd worked too hard in school, spent too many nights making "smart" decisions when I could have been out doing God knows what with God knows who.  I'd sacrificed waaaay too much "right now" for "better later" to find myself broke, jobless, and wallowing in cheap wine (ahem...fine wine was no longer in the unemployment budget).  The mere idea of having to trade in Tiffany's for Target and Nordstrom for knock-offs was way more than I could bear. I knew right then that something drastic had to be done.

I won't tell you how my story ends, because the truth is, it's still a work in progress.  But I can tell you that every morning when I wake up now,I kiss the sun and tell the universe how happy I am to be here. I made a promise to myself that I would live on purpose and I've been walking in that ever since.

Reflecting on my darker days, I realized that I'd gone wrong by allowing life to happen to me.  These days I'm happening to life

I no longer do things that don't make me happy.  I don't give my time to jobs that don't fulfill or appreciate me.  I stopped pouring love into people who won't love me back. I've taken the time that I was throwing away in nonreciprocal "situations" and given them instead to people and causes that need and appreciate my gifts.

My best friend told me once that "Happiness is a decision," and that if I didn't like who I was becoming then I needed to "change clothes and go." (Yeah...I'm pretty sure she stole that last part from Jay-Z!  *wink*)

She'd be happy to know that I'm doing exactly that and I have to tell you that it feels really good!

The great thing about being a singlelista is that you're still blessed to be in a position where you can make radical decisions that have minimal impact on the people you love. 

You don't have to get hubby's buy-in if you want to change cities. 

If you decide to quit your job and start a business tomorrow,  nobody's going to starve but you.  Even if you're a single mother you have more freedom to change than those who have made a commitment to share their lives because it's still YOUR life.

I dare you to think of one thing you've always wanted to do and do it today.  Dream of who you've always wanted to be and become her today. There's power in freedom. Claim yours while you still have it.

To what country would you move?   For what job would you apply? What career move would you make? What nonprofit would you start? What over-priced handbag would you buy? (Sorry...I got caught up! Ignore that last line!)

Where would you go if nothing was holding you back?

Start today. GO!!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Single Celebs We Love: Kelly Osbourne

We interrupt our regularly scheduled post to bring you this special announcement...

So singlelistas, when I went to bed last night I had already researched and selected this week's single celeb and was feeling really good about it. 

Then I woke up this morning and everything changed.

As I was having my morning frap and perusing the day's headlines, I came across an article that completely broke my heart.  According to People magazine (umm...from where else would I get my breaking world news?! Kidding...kinda!) there's a new member of the singlelistas club and her transition has been pretty rough over the past few days.

Last week, news broke that rock star Kelly Osbourne had ended her engagement to her fashion model fiancee Luke Worrall, after discovering that he'd been cheating (GASP!!! How could he?!?). 

From what I'd read she'd been taking it in true singlelista form, trading in her tears for toasts to the fact that she absolutely deserves better!(Go Kelly...Go Kelly!)

Well according to People, the celebration ceased when Kelly truly lost the love of her life.  Kelly tweeted late Sunday night that her pomeranian pooch had passed. (Let's take a moment of silence please...silent...still silent...still silent...okay, good.)

photo source

Losing my guy would be hard (We're not totally insensitive over here.  Break-ups are hard and we get and respect that!) but losing my puppy pal in the same week?! Get my therapist on the line NOW!

So in light of all of this heart wrenching news, we at The Singles' Salon want to warmly welcome Ms. Osborne to our respite and offer our complete support during her time of need.

You can reach Kelly on Twitter at @MissKellyO.  If you feel compelled, please take a tweet or two and show her lots of love.  Remember, we're in this single life together!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Sorry! I missed you!

Hey Singlelistas!

I'm sooo sorry I gave you nothing today but I've been busy working on a new Monday feature that I know you are going to love. It will touch, inspire, and empower all of us. Promise!

We always say that Sharing is Caring here at the Salon, and the new Monday feature is going to take that to a whole new level.

We'll be debuting it next week and I promise it will be worth the wait!

We're back tomorrow with a fab new Single Celeb We Love.

Til then...

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Singlelista STYLE: The Betty Peep Show

Being a singlelista is one part attitude and one part glam, and since we aim to give you fantastic attitude adjusters all week, we've decided to reserve Saturdays at The Singles' Salon specifically for  style!

Next week you'll meet and hear from the Salon's very own fashion editor (*faint*), but this Saturday we're gonna talk beauty... a very private kind of beauty that is!

I bet (hope!) many (all!) of you do some form of maintaining your "special occasions" area :) regularly, be it shaving, waxing, laser-ing or whatever.  However, I've recently come across some beauty enhancement solutions that take female grooming to a whole new level.

Now if you're anything like me the mere thought of placing hot wax or a sharp razor near your bikini line has you belting out the chorus of the fierce one's If I Were a Boy.

Well apparently we're not alone because a company called Betty (as in every woman has a "betty") has created the BettyBare conditioning body and bikini cream hair remover.  Now there's nothing novel about cream hair removals, so let me fast-forward to the pretty part.

If going bare isn't statement enough for you, then how about showing the world (Oh wait...definitely NOT the world!) your singlelista spirit by painting your betty pink! Not the pink type, ey? No worries! There's also blonde, blue, lilac, and ruby red, among others!

If you really want to get jiggy with it, pair your betty color dye with the Ready Betty ultimate stylin' kit, and give your girl the home design makeover you've always dreamed of. Feeling loving? How about a nice pink heart?  Feeling dangerous? Strike up a ruby red lightening bolt! With eight design stencils to choose from, you could really create a whole picture scape down there. (Although we highly advise that you don't!)

If these options still aren't glam enough for you, then you probably believe like my sorority sister that "The more bling the better!" In that case, the Alphabetty's got your name on it...literally.  For $2.99 a letter, you can place the name or initials of anyone you'd like down under with the help of peel and stick alphabet gemstones

I guess now we can finally answer the age old question, "Who's is it?" (Ooh...tasteless X-rated joke...sigh...please forgive me!)

Well singlelistas, if this is not a beauty secret, then I don't know what is!

Disclaimer: This is a style segment, not a product review. That means I am making no claims to having tried this product; I'm simply informing you that it exists. 

However, if you want in on the action and are feeling daringly beautiful, visit  Betty online and check out all the offerings.

Shoot me an email at Singlelistas@gmail.com and tell me which product you'd like to try.  The first person to send me an email with "Buy Me Betty" in the subject line will receive a free Betty product of your choice, under the condition that you will write a review to be posted here at The Singles' Salon.  Why? Because sharing is caring, singlelistas!

Alright ladies, get your betty style on!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Friday, July 16, 2010

SNO- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

First and foremost I have to give honor to the original diva of Singlelistas Night Out (SNO), the one and only Cyndi Lauper who gave us this anthem more than twenty years ago. 

Nearly three decades later, the sentiment still holds true and we singlelistas know that life is too short to sit around waiting to be asked to the dance. 

So Fridays at The Singles' Salon is officially dedicated to Singlelistas Night Out (*cue confetti drop and raucous applause)!  We'll give you our suggestions for fairy tale evenings with the girls and you give us yours. Together, we'll make sure that our lives our lived to the fullest and that each and every weekend we paint the town pink!

This week we're encouraging everyone to have a "culturally chic" weekend (thanks Sandra!) by calling up a girlfriend or two (please note that gay boyfriends are welcomed;we'll chat about the importance of those very soon!) and feeding your passion for the performing arts (if you haven't yet acquired said passion, now is a great time to start fueling your new obsession!). 

The evening should progress as follows:

5:30- Singlelistas convene at a chic tapas restaurant within 10 miles of the performance venue for a two-hour session of dinner, drinks, and girl talk focused expressly on celebrity gossip, recent fashion purchases, drama at the office, and of course-- boys! (I know what you're thinking "This evening is supposed to be all about the ladies." And you're right, but let's face it, you're dying to tell your girlfriends about the ridiculous/sweet/ridiculously sweet thing that your crush said or did this week, and they are dying to hear about it!)

7:30- Arrive at the performance venue and find your seat.
(Note: most shows begin promptly at 8 PM.  You should plan to arrive 30 minutes before the show, tickets in hand, so as not to be "those women" walking in late. It's tacky and everyone in the theater will be talking about you. Besides, if you show up once the house lights have already gone down, you deprive everyone of the opportunity to see your new Jimmy Choos, and who doesn't love a good fashion show?!  Moral of the story-- don't be selfish, be on time!)

8:00- The curtain goes up and the entertainment begins.
(Shhh!--- NO TALKING! Save all comments for intermission.  Remember, we're fab, not obnoxious!)

10:30- The show concludes. You offer polite applause and  proceed to the nearest wine cellar or ultra-lounge,depending on your mood.  The key here is that drinking must be involved. After-show cocktails are an essential component of Singlelistas Night Out.

Until- That's what time you leave- whenever you feel like it, because not having to rush home is one of the perks of living single. (Don't you just love your life!)

We've taken the liberty of looking up and making recommendations for some artistically appetizing events happening in a few major cities.  If we didn't include your town, write us at Singlelistas@gmail.com  and tell us what show you and your girlfriends will be going to see. 

Atlanta-  The Phantom of the Opera
Chicago- Blue Man Group
Los Angeles- Thurgood
New York- The Heights
San Francisco- Wicked
Washington, DC- Avenue Q

Oh- a few critical rules for Singlelistas Night Out:

3. Take lots of pictures*

*Once your evening turns out fab, email us your SNO pics and we just may post them next week!

Love life...every SINGLE moment of it!
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Singlelista Approved: Body Mist

O-M-G!! Could it get any hotter? 

I know that all winter we moaned and groaned about how cold it was, but Mother Nature is seriously playing games with this heat wave that she's giving us.  If her point is to teach us not to complain, then

Note to M.N.: We got the memo!!

Now, I'm probably about to commit a crime against humanity by mentioning these two products in the same post, but I'm willing to put my neck on the line in my quest to bring singlelistas news about all things fab! (Now THAT's commitment!)

Okay, here goes...

My absolute fave fragrance is Creed Love in White (ahhh...even the names smells beautiful!) but in this sweltering weather we've been experiencing, I just can't bring myself to sweat off the aromatic hand-made blend, which has notes of orange zest, daffodils and magnolia, among others.  Retailing at $235 for the 2.5 oz, Love in White was simply not intended to be subjected to such unsavory conditions.

The problem, however, is that my propensity to perspire in this rain forest climate further exacerbates my need to be fragrant and fresh, because after all, smelling...ahem...un-fresh is not fab!

*Dear Creed gods, please forgive me for daring to even mention your name in association with the following low-priced fragrance line. I vow to give you your own post in the immediate future, as a humble attempt to make amends. -hangs head in shame-*

I've been seeing ads for both Degree and Dove body mists in fashion and beauty magazines for a while now, and while picking up a few toiletry essentials in the drug store today I figure I'd test them out.

The verdict, ladies? Not bad!  

No, they aren't a substitute for fine perfume by any stretch, but they do offer a crisp, cool, refreshing hint of fragrance which is perfect for these hot summer days. 

Now to clarify, I'm not recommending these as substitute aromas for date night with your crush or even for a night out with the girls, but if you're headed to the office, leaving the gym, or stepping out of a refreshing end-of-the-day shower, these mists might be just the the fab fairy ordered.

Retailing at around $3.95 you can afford to spritz them on and sweat them off as much as you'd like, a quality that has become quite necessary these days. 

From the Dove Body Mist collection, my faves are the go fresh Burst with nectarine and white ginger, and the go fresh Revive with pomegranate and lemon verbena (No, I don't know what verbena is either, but it smells really yummy!). 
Degree offers two lines of body fragrance: Degree Nature Effects and Degree Fine Fragrances (The name of the latter is a little bit of an overstatement, I have to say). 

The Nature Effects line was by far my favorite, and from it I chose the Energizing Olive Leaf and Pink Pepper fragrance.  It was pleasant, spicy, and made with PINK pepper!  How could I possibly say no to that?

From the Fine Fragrance collection (yeah...I'm really having a hard time even typing "fine fragrance" in reference to Degree.) I chose the Classic Romance.  With a floral blend of roses and peonies, it was soft, subtle, and well...romantic!

Recognizing that scent preferences are highly personal, I recommend that you test each fragrance for yourself to see what works best for you. At under $5 a bottle, you could really just buy and test them all (OK, maybe not). 

Whichever individual scent(s) you choose, feel free to spray and sweat in confidence, knowing that these products are Singlelista Approved!

(Oh...and stay tuned for my upcoming Creed post. You know it's going to be good...I've got to get back in the luxe gods' good graces!)

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Rules of Lyfe

Oooh Singlelistas!

Last night I was riding home from a fab night out with one of my girlfriends- a fellow singlelista of course!- and I heard a song on the radio that caught my ear.  Now candidly speaking, I don't pay much attention to most of the new songs that get air play these days because...well... I don't like them. But this one had me dying to get back to you all!

Picture it:  It's about 11:30 PM and I'm driving down the highway. The sun roof is open. The summer breeze is tousling through my hair, and a sexy R&B melody begins streaming through my speakers.  I hear a man talking. His voice is raspy and I think "I know that is not..." 

He continues, " I'm your teacher LYFE JENNINGS in the flesh baby." 

"Oh, yes it is!"

Now for any of my Singlelistas who aren't die hard R&B fans, Lyfe Jennings is a pretty popular singer who I believe has one of the absolute sexiest voices I've ever heard. It's got that "I just woke up" quality to it- ALL THE TIME, which means that I could literally listen to it all day. 


I digress...

So the melody continues and after he quickly explains that we have now been transported to statistics class, our lesson begins with this first verse:

25% of all men are unstable

25% of all men can't be faithful

30% of them don't mean what they say

and 10% of them in maybe 20 is gay

That leaves you a 10% chance of ever finding your man

That means you never paid attention to these words that I said

I'm gonna teach you how expose the 90%

and show you what to do to keep the other 10.

Whoa!!!! Right?!?

Now, I don't know where exactly he is getting these "statistics," and I'm almost certain that they wouldn't hold up under scientific quantitative analysis, but I'm curious as to where he is headed with this.

I turn the radio up.

He goes on to give single women the four rules that will help us beat the odds.

Rule 1: Wait, actually... listen to the rules for yourself...

Singlelistas, I am DYING to get your feedback on this.  Does Lyfe's math add up?  Will you be following his rules any time soon? Don't you think he's REALLY cute? (OK, maybe you don't have to answer that last one.)

Email me your thoughts at Singlelistas@gmail.com  I've got my calculator standing by!

I guess my algebra teacher was right, math really is everywhere. Sigh...

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Single Celebs We Love: Serena Williams

Earlier this month she claimed her second consecutive Wimbledon Championship, making this the fourth Wimbledon she's won over the course of her career.  With 37 career titles and more than 23 grand slams, we think it's pretty safe to say that Serena Williams is totally in the swing of things!

At only 28-years old, Serena is a world-class, world-famous tennis goddess.  But that's not all!

In addition to her skill (and style) on the court, Serena is also a well-established business mogul.  The mother of Aneres clothing designs, and the co-founder of Mission Skin Care (check out her tasty Pomegranate Lip Balmer with SPF 15),  Serena is living proof that singlelistas can't be put in a box.

When she's not on tennis courts or in executive meetings, you might catch Ms. Williams and all her amazing curves gracing the pages of top fashion magazines or in your living room on the silver screen. 

Passionate about acting,  her television credits include:  “ER” (NBC),  “My Wife and Kids” (ABC),  “Street Time” (Showtime), “The Division” (Lifetime),  “The Simpsons” (Fox),  “Higgleytown Heroes" (Disney),  and the reality show that starred both her and her sister, “Venus and Serena For Real” (ABC Family) 

As if that weren't enough (I mean, I'm tired from just writing all of this!), our sporty-spice singlelista still finds time to give back to the world by supporting a colorful array of causes, including the S.E. Tennis and Learning Center in Washington, D.C., the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, Race for the Homeless, Stop the Violence, the Special Olympics, and the Arthur Ashe Foundation.

Ms. Williams has received numerous media accolades including being named among People Magazine's “25 Most Intriguing People” (2002), Biography's top 100 biographies
(2003), and a "Fashion Trendsetter" by Vogue.  Of all her recognitions though, we are absolutely certain that being named a Singles' Salon Celeb We Love is her proudest accomplishment to date!

A fab Singlelista indeed, Serena has leant her million dollar face to  many brands including Nike, HP, milk, Tampax, and Gatorade, to name a few.  But it seems as though her smile has scored her the most off-court points when it comes to her love life. Ms. Williams has been romantically linked to a couple of cuties, including film director Brett Ratner and another on again/off again beau who I wouldn't mind having a little more in Common with.


All told, Serena Williams is serving up pure fabness, in true singlelista form!

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Every Single Penny

You know the saying, "A penny saved is a penny earned."  Well singlelistas, that's especially true for us since, for the most part, everything we have, we paid for.

*cue Destiny's Child Independent Women*

"The shoes on my feet... I've bought it!"

Oh...Sorry girls. I'm back! 

Where possible we at The Singles' Salon are going to highlight fun ways to save you a cent or two on living the single life.

Today we're tacklimg something that has definitely been a problem for me and probably for you too: Dinner for One.

Let's face it ladies, when you're living single, not only is it easier to just grab dinner on the go, it's also much cheaper. 

One of my fave guys has often commented about how much I eat out, but the truth is that eating in costs a lot of money-- in wasted grocery.

Rarely do we find food items in our local grocery stores that are intended for one person.  I don't have a family, yet I always have to buy the family pack of ground turkey  - although I was completely thrilled to learn that Perdue Chicken has a product line called Perfect Portions, which features, you guessed it, chicken breasts in SINGLE PORTIONS... SCORE!!!

Honestly ladies, how many times have you caught that "domestic feeling", bought out your nearest grocer, gone home and cooked up a fab meal, and then found yourself torchered by having to eat that meal for the rest of the week. Yes, it was good day one, great day two, but days 3-5... umm...not so much. Finally after reheating the never-ending dinner for as many days as your fridge could keep it safe, you go to throw out whatever's left, and realize you're tossing HALF of your money away.


The next night you faithfully return to your carefully alphabetized dossier of delivery menus and vow to never stray again.

While much more convenient and economical, we savvy singlelistas know the perils of fast food and have heard of the heath code horror stories of restaurant kitchens, but honestly, what's a girl to do?

Well I don't have all the answers, but I can at least get the conversation rolling.

While at The Container Store the other day, I became reacquainted with a throwback from my mother's childhood-- food storage containers! 

You're saying duh! but I was really excited about this. These weren't the ones from your mom's Tupperware parties. These came in fun colors, sassy sizes, and a range of materials from plastic to Lucite (Lucite...squeal!).

That rediscovery, along with a trip to the dollar store for a pack of food storage bags, changed my life and more notably my dinner to dollars ratio!

Here's the trick: Every week I go to the grocery store ( I usually go on Mondays as to avoid the obstacle course which is tight aisles filled with mommies and tiny children that seem to overtake the stores on the weekends).  I buy whatever meat and poultry items my little heart desires, an assortment of seasonings, spices, sauces, and marinades, and a combination of non-perishable goods (60 second rice and assorted pastas mostly) and fresh produce.

As soon as I get home, I separate all of my meats into single serving sizes and put each in its own storage bag filled with whatever kind of marinades my culinary creativity can conjure up- rosemary and thyme chicken breasts, garlic and peppercorn steaks, pineapple glazed shrimp... it's looking like the start of a very delicious week!

Next, I season and cook all my fresh veggies- squash, asparagus, navy beans, cabbage.  (I know it sounds like a lot, but once I get all of my pots going, it doesn't take more than 20 minutes for all of it- remember we're going for affordability and efficiency!) Once those are done cooking, I scoop out a single serving size and place it into its own super stylish storage container.

I then put of all my now single size, gourmet entrees and sides into the freezer and store my uncooked rice and pasta in the cabinets.  In about 45 minutes I've prepped all my meals for the entire week.  

Every morning on my way out the door, I go to the freezer, pull out whatever meat and veggie combo I'm in the mood for, and place it in the fridge to thaw.  When I get home that evening I slide my entree in the oven, throw my veggies in the microwave, and drop my rice or pasta of choice into the steamer.

By the time I've gotten comfy, picked a channel, and poured my favorite glass of wine, I have a delectable home cooked dinner- for one!

Do you have money-saving, appetizing, dinner-for-one tips? If so, email us singlelistas@gmail.com. Remember, sharing is caring chicas. We're in this single life together!

Bon Appetite Singlelistas!

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